Remembering to take one pill yourself every day can be a challenge. If you’re also managing your child’s medication, things can get even more difficult. Not only are you trying to remember to take your own medication, you’re trying to remember to give them their medication. Add babysitters, grandparents, nannies, school nurses, and a spouse into the mix and figuring who gave your child what and when can be a nightmare.

It doesn’t have to be! With these medication management solutions for kids who have multiple caregivers, you can free yourself of all the worry, and you can stop nagging.

Split the Prescription Into Two Bottles

Handing the same bottle of medication back and forth to the school nurse, daycare center, or a family member every single day is just asking for trouble. There will undoubtedly be days when you forget. Or worse, the bottle gets lost in the shuffle.

Instead, ask the pharmacist to split your child’s prescription into two bottles and give one to your child’s caregiver. That way each bottle has all the necessary information—like the name of the medication, dosage, and other important info—and there’s no need for you to haul a single bottle back and forth every single day.

Medication Check-ins

It doesn’t feel good to nag. It doesn’t feel good to be nagged either. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t check in to make sure your child’s medications are being administered properly.

It’s totally okay to check in with a caregiver daily to make sure they are remembering to give your child their meds. Whether it’s a quick text to a spouse or an email to the school nurse, it can provide you with peace of mind.

Just be ready to let the check-ins go when the time comes. After a few weeks of consistent medication administration, your child’s caregiver has demonstrated that they don’t need you to check in with them in order to remember.

Fill Out a Medication Log

Don’t want to have to ask other caregivers about your child’s meds? Have them fill out a log!

This works for daycares and schools, but it is especially helpful at home. Spouses, babysitters, grandparents, and other family members can fill out the log with their initials. All you have to do is glance at the log—no questions or nagging needed.

Looking for a log you can customize? Check out this free medication log here!

Use Medication Reminder Stickers

If you’re looking for the simplest, easiest medication management solution, look no further than medication reminder stickers!

They are an easy way for you to remember to give your child their medication, but anyone can pull off the tabs, and you can tell if the tab is gone at a glance. It’s also the perfect strategy for families of teens who are learning to take their medication on their own.

You will always worry a little bit about whether your child is getting their medication like they’re supposed to, but it doesn’t have to feel debilitating. With these medication management solutions for kids, you can rest easy knowing you’re doing everything you can to make sure your child gets their medication as prescribed.
